• 出版Publication  | 《世界建筑》World Architecture
    出版Publication | 《世界建筑》World Architecture

    In May 2023, the "The planting terrace and the experience pavilion" written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page76-77 of the May of World Architecture in 2023.

  • 出版Publication  | 《世界建筑导报》World Architecture Review
    出版Publication | 《世界建筑导报》World Architecture Review

    In September 2021, "Living Art Pavilion" written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page100-103 of the fifth issue of World Architecture Review in 2021.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice
    出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice

    In March 2021, "Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park" written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 36-45 of the special issue of Architectural Practice 2020.12.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice
    出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice

    In November 2020, "Five Years in Shenzhen: Mozhao Architects" written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 114-119 of the special issue of Architectural Practice 2020.11.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice
    出版Publication | 《建筑实践》Architectural Practice

    In October 2020, "Jiakeli Apartment Renovation" written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 92-99 of No.22 of Architectural Practice 2020.08.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique
    出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique

    In April 2020, "Creating a Humane Community in the Post-Industrial Era"written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 36-47 of No.295 of Architecture Technique 2020.04.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique
    出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique

    In February 2020, "Locality and Connection"written by Guansheng Zeng, the principal of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 88-95 of No.293 of Architecture Technique 2020.02.

  • 出版Publication | 澳大利亚《室外设计策略》Outdoor Design Resource
    出版Publication | 澳大利亚《室外设计策略》Outdoor Design Resource

    2020年2月,墨照设计的种植平台和体验馆刊登于澳大利亚《室外设计策略》杂志第120-127页,题目:种植平台和体验馆。 In February 2020, The Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion design by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 54-55 of Outdoor Design Resource 2020.02 with the title: The Planting Terrace and Experience Pavillion.

  • 出版Publication | 《设计聚焦》DesignFocus
    出版Publication | 《设计聚焦》DesignFocus

    In October 2019, Zhi Art Museum designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on No.2 season of DesignFocus with the title: Zhi Art Museum.

  • 出版Publication | 香港《CONSTRUCTION+》
    出版Publication | 香港《CONSTRUCTION+》

    In September 2019, Zhi Art Museum designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on No.16 of CONSTRUCTION+ 2019.09 with the title: Zhi Art Museum.

  • 出版Publication | 香港《CONSTRUCTION+》
    出版Publication | 香港《CONSTRUCTION+》

    In September 2019, The Living Art Pavilion designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on No.16 of CONSTRUCTION+ 2019.09 with the title: Living Art Pavilion.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑与文化》ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE
    出版Publication | 《建筑与文化》ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE

    In July 2019, The Living Art Pavilion designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 120-127 of No.458 of ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE 2019.07 with the title: Living Art Pavilion.

  • 出版Publication | 《现代装饰》Modern Decoration
    出版Publication | 《现代装饰》Modern Decoration

    In July 2019, The Living Art Pavilion designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS is featured on Page 116-121 of No.444 of Modern Decoration 2019.07 with the title: The Living Art Pavilion.

  • 出版Publication |《id+c室内设计与装修》
    出版Publication |《id+c室内设计与装修》

    In May 2019,Zhi Art Museum designed by Mozhao Architects is featured on Page 14-15 of No.297 of id+C Interior Design + Construction 2019.05 with the title: A journey of art.

  • 出版Publication | 《城市画报》City Zine
    出版Publication | 《城市画报》City Zine

    In October 2018, The Renovation of Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS was featured on Page 26-31 of No.412 of City Zine 2018.10 with the title:"factory zone" transformed to make the canteen facing the largest and most beautiful courtyard.

  • 出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique
    出版Publication | 《建筑技艺》Architecture Technique

    In February 2016, Qingdao Cruise Terminal designed by CCDI Mozhao Studio( with CCDI Jing Studio) is featured on Architecture Technique 2016.02.

  • 讲座Lecture | 第二十七届当代中国建筑创作论坛会议(大湾区创作分会场)
    讲座Lecture | 第二十七届当代中国建筑创作论坛会议(大湾区创作分会场)

    On March 24, 2024, at the invitation of the CCAF and School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in the lecture on the 27th Contemporary Chinese Architectural Forum (Greater Bay Area Sub-Forum) in Shenzhen University.

  • 讲座Lecture | 大湾区“工业上楼”产业空间规划设计与开发运营高峰论坛
    讲座Lecture | 大湾区“工业上楼”产业空间规划设计与开发运营高峰论坛

    On September 15, 2023, at the invitation of the Beijing China Foreign and Foreign Friendship Architectural Cultural Exchange Center, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in the lecture on the seminars of the "Industry Upstairs" industrial space planning, design and development and operation seminars of the 2023 Greater Bay Area.

  • 出版Publication | 《future》
    出版Publication | 《future》

    In 2012, The Car Park Tower of Hong Kong competition that CCDI Mozhao studio participated in is featured on Future No.33 and No.34.

  • 讲座Lecture | 两地年轻建筑师网上交流会3
    讲座Lecture | 两地年轻建筑师网上交流会3

    On August 24, 2023, at the invitation of the Hong Kong Architects Society and Guanzhu Architectural Development and Exchange Center, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in an online lecture on the theme of "Public Thinking and Practice".

  • 讲座Lecture | 深大文化节Shenzhen University Cultural Festival
    讲座Lecture | 深大文化节Shenzhen University Cultural Festival

    On May 30, 2023, at the invitation of Shenzhen University, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in a lecture of the Cultural Festival at Shenzhen University, and the topic of the speech was "Decade Practice of Mozhao Architects"

  • 讲座Lecture | 第三届金堂奖美学研究峰会 The 3rd Jintang Prize Aesthetic Research Summit
    讲座Lecture | 第三届金堂奖美学研究峰会 The 3rd Jintang Prize Aesthetic Research Summit

    On July 28, 2022, at the invitation of Jintang Prize Aesthetics Research Institute, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in a lecture on the theme of "Architecture & Interior Design Relativity" in Hall 3 of Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao'an).

  • 讲座Lecture | 阿尔法建筑大会NEO20 Architecture Technolocy NEO20
    讲座Lecture | 阿尔法建筑大会NEO20 Architecture Technolocy NEO20

    On March 12, 2022,at the invitation of Architecture Technolocy, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in a lecture with the theme of "Thinking Salon 149: Meeting Oneself and the Future" at Guangzhou Nanfeng International Convention and Exhibition Center.

  • 讲座Lecture | The SHARE Budapest conference“Forum for the future”
    讲座Lecture | The SHARE Budapest conference“Forum for the future”

    2020年11月10日,应SHARE architects.com的邀请,曾冠生先生于当地时间2pm-3pm在线上参与了主题为“Forum for the future”的讲座,演讲题目为“墨照在地实践”。本次SHARE论坛自11月10日起共持续三天,举办城市分别为布达佩斯、克拉科夫、布拉迪斯拉发。
    On November 10, 2020, at the invitation of SHARE Architects.com, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in the online lecture themed "Forum for the Future" at 2pm-3pm local time, and the lecture title was "MOZHAO'S ONSITE PRACTICE". The SHARE Forum last for three days starting from November 10 and it was held in Budapest, Krakow and Bratislava respectively.

  • 讲座Lecture | 设计·艺术大讲堂 “城市脉络:艺术与建筑的共生”
    讲座Lecture | 设计·艺术大讲堂 “城市脉络:艺术与建筑的共生”

    On November 1, 2020, at the invitation of Shenzhen Art & Design Alliance, Mr. Zeng Guansheng participated in the lecture entitled "Urban Context: Symbiosis of Art and Architecture" at the YAN bookstore of L3, The Mixc of Shenzhen Bay, the lecture title was "Stage of Art of Living".

  • 讲座Lecture | 设计跨界论坛:遇见未来 "Design Crossover Forum: Meet The Future"
    讲座Lecture | 设计跨界论坛:遇见未来 "Design Crossover Forum: Meet The Future"

    On 24th November 2019, Guansheng Zeng was invited to give a lecture named "Design Crossover Forum: Meet The Future" in Shenzhen bay science and technology ecological park.

  • 讲座Lecture | 设计下午茶艺术,走进生活 “Art Merges Into Our Life”
    讲座Lecture | 设计下午茶艺术,走进生活 “Art Merges Into Our Life”

    On 17th May 2019, Guansheng Zeng was invited to give a lecture named“Art Merges Into Our Life”at Dream Paradise by the IFENG DESIGN.

  • 讲座Lecture | ATU观筑
    讲座Lecture | ATU观筑

    In January 2016, invited by ATU Architectural Development Communication Center, Zeng Guansheng gived a lecture named “Mozhao Practice” at Guan Shanyue Art Museum.

  • 讲座Lecture | 华侨城一人一世界 OCT ONE AND ONE
    讲座Lecture | 华侨城一人一世界 OCT ONE AND ONE

    On 18th April 2013 , Zeng Guansheng was invited to give a lecture named “Urban·Architecture·People” at OCT by the architect salon in 2013.

  • 展览Exhibition | 2022年阿尔法大会NEO20展览
    展览Exhibition | 2022年阿尔法大会NEO20展览

    In March 2022, invited by the Architecture technology the NEO20 exhibition, the "Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park" of MOZHAO ARCHITECTS participated in the exhibition.

  • 展览Exhibition | 2019年深圳设计周-粤港澳大湾区设计展
    展览Exhibition | 2019年深圳设计周-粤港澳大湾区设计展

    In April 2019, invited by Shenzhen Design Week - Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Design Exhibition, the Nanyuan Zishe activities on the terrace by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS participated in exhibition of the Mocape Museum Of Contemporary Art And Planning Exhibition Shenzhen.

  • 展览Exhibition | 2017年深港双年展 2017 UABB
    展览Exhibition | 2017年深港双年展 2017 UABB

    In December 2017, The Renovation of Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park designed by MOZHAO ARCHITECTS was exhibited in A3302 of the main venue in Nantou Old Town of 2017 UABB.

  • 展览Exhibition | 2016年CTBUH
    展览Exhibition | 2016年CTBUH

    In October2016, invited by CTBUH, the alternative car park tower designed by CCDI Mozhao Studio participated in an exhibition named “From cities to megacities: Build high-density vertical Urbanism”.

  • 展览Exhibition | 2013年深港双年展 2013 UABB
    展览Exhibition | 2013年深港双年展 2013 UABB

    In December 2013, invited by the 2013 UABB, CCDI Mozhao studio attended the exhibition which was named Invisible Boundary.

  • 展览Exhibition | 三十而立
    展览Exhibition | 三十而立

    In November 2013, invited by schoolmates of Shenzhen University, Zeng Guansheng attended the exhibition named “Made in Shenzhen: Local Architects And Their Practice” at Shenzhen Planning Bureau.